Friday, February 26, 2016

February Blues: 5 Tips to Help You Beat The Blues this time of Year!

February Blues!  I really don't like them (we don't use the word hate at our house, but if I could...). This time every year that I begin to get the winter blues.  The skies are so gray. The temperature is cold.  When will winter end?  We have had a few spring teasers, but I am ready for the real deal.  I want blue skies and green grass and I want it now!  In addition to the crummy weather, it feels like the work load is piling up at school and home.  No matter how hard I try, the negative energy is hard to fight. Does anyone else feel this way?  So, I have to dig down deep to keep up my positive energy and stay focused and happy.  This blog post is about finding the positive in life, when the negative is dragging you down.  Just a few tips for surviving this tough time...I will survive!

1. Be grateful and thankful for the good things in your life!
 The first one might seem easier than it is, but I really try to do this at all times. Keeping a gratitude journal is one way be mindful of the wonderful things in your life.  For lent this year, my promise was to write 3 things I am thankful for everyday in my calendar.  It only takes me a few minutes, and it has been a great daily reminder of the many things I am grateful for in my life.  I hope to keep it up all year.

2. The power of music is incredible.

I can't say I am super cool and hip these days when it comes to the type of music I listen to in the car or at home. But, my suggestion is to listen to the music you love.  I am typically a Classic Rock type of girl.  Fleetwood Mac and Beatles are my go to music choices.  My girls and I would give a strong recommendation to Elizabeth Mitchell!  I spend most of my time driving a mini-van listening to children's tunes (not cool I know, but I said good-bye to cool a long time ago).  I will listen to Elizabeth Mitchell all day long.  She is awesome.  We all love her, even my hip, music loving husband.  Try out this song. The title is LOVELY DAY. You wont be able to resist the smile that creeps up on your face.

3. Get moving!

"Exercise is considered vital for maintaining mental fitness, and it can reduce stress. Studies show that it is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function. This can be especially helpful when stress has depleted your energy or ability to concentrate."

Find an exercise routine you love. I am so lucky to have found a studio (Fit Formula in Brookside) and work out routine that I LOVE!  I work out many mornings at 5:00 am.  I know it seems crazy, but for me, it's the only time that works and it is the most amazing way to start my day.  I truly love it!  It has changed my life and it gives me the sweat and energy to make it through the day.  When I get home, I get a few minutes of quiet and a hot cup of coffee in silence to enjoy.  Those moments are priceless.  Did I mention how muchI love it???  Get moving to help beat those blues.

4. Watch what you eat.
A healthy diet is ALWAYS important.  But did you know there are certain foods that are said to actually help reduce stress?  With dark chocolate on this list, I am willing to give it a try. The ten foods on this list are: nuts, dark chocolate, milk, green tea, cheese, blueberries, avocados, oranges, and green leafy vegetables.
5. Essential Oils
I am new to this category, but I am excited to start experimenting with some recipes and oils.  I have pinned some recipes and blends and I am ready to begin my essential oil journey.  The company that I have purchased oils from recently is Young Living.  They actually have an oil called Stress Away. I think I should buy this bottle in bulk! I also found a recipe called "Happy Place" and it sounds delightful.  Here is a picture of it below:
Saving the best for last!  The true joy of my life...MY FAMILY.  When life is tough and things are hard, I just look at them and smile.

I am not a doctor and I am not saying these things will cure any illnesses or ailments.  But, I certainly have the February Blues right now and I could use a little pick me up!  Couldn't you????

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